1838 – Hampden-Sydney College created the Medical Department.
1854 – The Medical Department became the Medical College of Virginia (MCV) after receiving an independent charter from the Virginia General Assembly.
1860 – MCV became state-affiliated.
1917 – The Richmond School of Social Work and Public Health was established on what is known today as VCU’s Monroe Park Campus.
1925 – The Richmond School of Social Work and Public Health became the Richmond division of the College of William and Mary.
1939 – The Richmond School of Social Work and Public Health changed its name to Richmond Professional Institute.
1939 – A tumor board and a multidisciplinary tumor clinic were established at MCV.
1962 – Richmond Professional Institute separated from William and Mary to become an independent state institution.
1966 –The Divisions of Surgical Oncology and Medical Oncology were created within the Departments of Surgery and Medicine, respectively, at MCV.
1968 – MCV merged with the Richmond Professional Institute to form Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU); MCV became the health sciences campus of VCU, called the MCV Campus.
1974 – The VCU Board of Visitors established a cancer center on the MCV Campus and a planning grant was received from the National Cancer Institute (NCI).
1975 – The first Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) was funded by the NCI, with Walter Lawrence, Jr., M.D., a surgeon and former president of the American Cancer Society, as principal investigator and director of the cancer center.
1983 – The cancer center was named VCU Massey Cancer Center in honor of a major gift by William and Evan Massey.

1986 – North Hospital (renovated former E.G. Williams Hospital) opened, which formerly housed VCU Massey Cancer Center’s Dalton Oncology Clinic, Radiation Oncology Department, BMT in-patient and out-patient clinics and Thomas Palliative Care Unit.
1987 – The Department of Radiation Oncology was established.
1988 – I. David Goldman, M.D., became director of VCU Massey Cancer Center and served in this role until 1995. He subsequently served as director of Albert Einstein Cancer Center at Yeshiva University for more than two decades, until he retired in 2020.
1993 – The Schools of Medicine and Basic Health Sciences merged.
1995 – Francis Macrina, Ph.D., now vice president for research at VCU School of Dentistry, became interim director of VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center.
1997 – Gordon D. Ginder, M.D., former associate director of the University of Minnesota Cancer Center, became director of VCU Massey Cancer Center. Under Dr. Ginder’s tenure, VCU Massey Cancer Center took on and maintained a trajectory of carefully planned steady growth, substantially building its scientific base while simultaneously sharpening its cancer focus and its dedication to translational research.
2006 – VCU Massey Cancer Center opened Goodwin Research Laboratory, an 80,000-square-foot, state-of-art cancer research facility.
2008 – VCU Medical Center opened the Critical Care Hospital, which includes VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center’s in-patient oncology care unit.
2013 – A new hub for cancer research known as the Massey Research Pavilion opened in the VCU School of Medicine’s McGlothlin Medical Education Center, which opened that same year. Located on floors 11 and 12, the Massey Research Pavilion provides 27,000-square-feet of dedicated space for VCU Massey Cancer Center’s clinical trials research, cancer prevention and control research and Division of Hematology, Oncology and Palliative Care administration.
2019 – Robert A. Winn, M.D, former associate vice chancellor of health affairs for community-based practice at the University of Illinois Hospital and Health Science System, became director of VCU Massey Cancer Center.
2021 – The 17-story VCU Health Adult Outpatient Pavilion opened.
2023 – Massey achieved comprehensive status, the highest level of recognition from the NCI. Massey added comprehensive to its name: VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center.