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Massey seed grant year in review: Us Giving Richmond Connections

Jan 17, 2024

UGRC band photo

In 2023, VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center awarded a $5,000 seed grant to Us Giving Richmond Connections (UGRC). The funding makes up the first level of Massey’s Community Grant Initiative, which invests in community-led programs that promote health, health equity and person-centered care across the cancer continuum, while also reducing suffering from cancer.

UGRC is a nonprofit that formed in 2008 to improve the health and well-being of Black and other people of color within the LGBTQIA+ communities of greater Richmond. After two years of planning, UGRC held the first three-day Black Pride RVA festival in July 2018.

Massey spoke with Luise "Cheezi" Farmer, a founding member of UGRC and director of Black Pride RVA, about receiving the Massey seed grant.

How did UGRC/Black Pride RVA use the Massey seed grant in efforts to improve cancer outcomes across Virginia?

We created a "Let's Talk About Cancer" series that focused on the importance of early detection of different types of cancer and the importance of screenings. Through educational materials, targeted community events and social media, we aimed to reduce cancer disparities among Black and other people of color who also identify as LGBTQIA+. UGRC/Black Pride RVA addressed barriers to access, promoted equitable screenings programs and supported the ongoing emotional and social needs. We worked with community partners and health care providers on the series and continue to collaborate on initiatives aimed at cancer education and screenings. We recently held a Health Fair that offered classes on breast and prostate cancer awareness and provided mammogram screenings. We also held our Day of Purpose health and wellness event for Black Pride RVA.

What has UGRC/Black Pride RVA learned from this partnership with Massey throughout 2023?

As a community partner working with Massey, we have witnessed how intentional the center is about providing information to improve people's health and livelihood. Massey has proven to be committed to working closely with us on community outreach and engagement efforts and by offering educational materials about cancer risks, incidence and screenings to improve outcomes.

Massey uses a “community-to-bench” model to ensure more consistent integration of community input into Massey’s cancer research, education, care and policy initiatives. How does UGRC/Black Pride RVA intend to continue guiding Massey's work in the area of cancers in the BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ communities?

The "Let's Talk About Cancer" series funded by Massey created community-centered gatherings to facilitate conversations about the importance of cancer screenings and early detection, disparities and cancer equity. We will continue these discussions on cancer burden and disparities among Black and people of color in the LGBTQIA+ communities to better serve them. Our efforts target Richmond and the surrounding counties.

Why should eligible community organizations pursue this funding from Massey?

As community partners, it is our responsibility to address health disparities, educate our community and advance the work of grantees.

About the Community Grant Initiative

Launched in Dec. 2021, the Massey’s Community Grant Initiative helps community partners expand programs focused on the promotion of health, health equity, and person-centered care across the cancer continuum from prevention through survivorship, while also reducing suffering from cancer. In line with Massey’s 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, the initiative awarded seven $5,000 seed grants in 2022 and six in 2023.

In addition to UGRC, these five organizations received 2023 seed grants:

  • Baptist General Convention of Virginia (Richmond)
  • Firefighter Cancer Support Network-Virginia (Richmond)
  • Greater Norfolk Medical Society of South Hampton Roads (Norfolk)
  • Hitting Cancer Below the Belt (Midlothian)
  • Virginia Community Health Worker Association (Richmond)

Massey will score the applications for 2024 seed grants on merit and expects to announce up to five recipients on Feb. 13, 2024.

Interview and article by: Amy Lacey

This article is part of a series highlighting each of the six 2023 seed grant recipients

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