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Research Development Pilot Awards

The VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center (MCC) will release a call for intramural pilot research funding once a year with specified priorities and multiple mechanisms to support different types of categorical research; both priorities and categories may vary annually. The 2021-2022 priorities and categories are outlined in this Request for Applications (RFA). In addition, the MCC will offer other rolling call funding opportunities as well as continue to offer support for junior investigators through the MCC’s American Cancer Society Institution Research Grant and co-investing with the Pauley Heart Center and other institutional partners in high priority/scored research submissions through their respective calls for applications .


  • Provide pilot funding for new concepts in cancer-related research, including but not limited to: discovery, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control, and survivorship.
  • Address the most immediate cancer needs of MCC’s catchment area (central and eastern Virginia) including the cause or reversal of cancer disparities.
  • Catalyze discoveries by fostering transdisciplinary and translational collaborations among researchers and clinicians.
  • Produce preliminary data to provide a basis for future applications to the NCI, other NIH institutes, or other peer-reviewing agencies or foundations.


  • Both single and Multiple Principal Investigators (PI or MPIs) may apply. For MPIs, at least one PI must have a full-time faculty appointment at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and is required to be an NCI Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG)-eligible member (verify with MCC Administration before applying by contacting Alex Haynes, The contact PI submitting the application must be an NCI CCSG-eligible MCC member.
  • Effort between MPIs from different institutions must be comparable, and both MPIs must contribute to the overall project in similar magnitude.
  • An individual may submit only one application as PI or MPI per year. An individual is allowed to be a co- investigator, consultant, or mentor on multiple submissions. A faculty member currently funded in the role of PI or MPI by an MCC pilot research award is not eligible to submit unless their current award will end by the scheduled start date.
  • A project submitted on a TEAM SCIENCE application will not be considered for funding as a separate INNOVATION PILOT application in the same year.

Award Information

  • Total awards are dependent upon available funding. The number of awards and the award amount may increase or decrease each year dependent upon the MCC budget and philanthropic funding available in any given year.
  • The number of awards and the award amount may increase or decrease each year dependent upon scientific merit of the projects submitted for review and the priorities established for any released RFA.
  • Projects are expected to be completed within the specific budget period. No cost extensions will only be granted in highly exceptional circumstances. Projects will be monitored quarterly for scientific progress and expenditures, and the PI will be expected to account for any inactivity in any given quarter.
  • Projects must have compliance approvals (e.g., IRB, IACUC) in place within 90 days of receipt of the Notice of Award or funding may be rescinded. The official start date of the award and the release of funding will begin once the compliance approvals have been submitted.

2021-2022 VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center Priorities

  • Projects that genuinely demonstrate transdisciplinary, interdisciplinary, or translational approaches to addressing cancer-related research question(s).
  • Proposals that represent collaborative, team science approaches, particularly those that involve investigators from more than one MCC research program in meaningful ways.
  • Research that reveals insight or will directly impact the distinct cancer burden within the MCC catchment area.
  • Research that directly examines the cause or potential reversal of cancer disparities.
  • Research that promotes collaborations between biologists and organic/medicinal chemists to generate novel anticancer drugs.
  • Research that promotes collaborations between tumor immunologists and immunotherapists to generate novel biologics to treat cancer.
  • Projects that directly engage the community in the design, implementation, and/or evaluation of the proposed research. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the Office of Community Outreach and Engagement to discuss the incorporation of Massey Community Champions into their projects.
  • Projects that utilize MCC-supported shared resources, especially those applicants who have collaborated with one or more MCC-supported shared resource directors to optimize the full capabilities or innovative capabilities of a shared resource.

2021-2022 Categorical Opportunities (Statement of intent due: November 23)

2021-2022 Categorical Opportunities (Statement of intent on a rolling call)

2021-2022 RFA

Application coversheet

Statement of intent

2021-2022 Deadlines – Innovation and Statewide Collaboration Pilots

RFA release: October 26
Statement of Intent due by 5:00 pm EST: November 23
Selected applicants invited to submit full application: December 3
Full applications due by 5:00 pm EST: January 18
Earliest start date: March 1


*Interested researchers with questions or for assistance accessing related program information, please contact:

Lisa Mallory
Center Research Program Administrator
(804) 628-1750