Finding research funding opportunities
The ORD team serves as a vital resource for investigators, trainees and students seeking cancer-related funding. In addition to intramural funding provided by Massey, the team has curated resources for extramural funding, cancer-related limited submissions and training navigation resources for early-stage investigators.
Intramural funding: Pilot project research funding at Massey supports new, cancer-related research concepts, with the goal of fostering competitive applications for future extramural funding.
Cancer-related limited submissions: Cancer-related limited submission funding opportunities are managed by Massey and distributed via email announcements (e.g., funding provided by the V Foundation, Susan G. Komen, NIH K99/R00, Pew Scholars). If you identify a cancer-focused, limited institutional funding opportunity, please contact us to learn more about the internal vetting process.
Training navigation: ORD offers specialized training and assistance in developing the skills necessary for early-career investigators to secure and maintain independent funding.
Explore training navigation services at Massey
OVPRI: University-wide funding opportunities as well as non-cancer limited submissions and other external funding opportunity resources are available through VCU’s OVPRI.